Southeastern Regional Robert Noyce Connections

Project Summary

A cohesive network would greatly benefit Noyce scholars and personnel in the Southeast region to connect, share ideas, and help each other through the inevitable challenges that come with being a STEM educator. The Southeastern Regional Robert Noyce Connections: Convening a Community of Learners Focused on STEM Pre-Service Teacher Education and the associated online community are important first steps to developing this network. Noyce participants who attend will be able to bond and network as they participate in professional development designed to enhanced their abilities to reach students many define as unreachable. The conferences and intervening activities will provide a structure for participants to increase their knowledge, skills, and dispositions, as well as enhance their cultural competence so they continually refine their craft. Most importantly, a great teacher positively impacts the life of a child forever, and the same is true of a weak teacher. The ultimate purpose of this project is to empower all teachers to meet the needs of all students and help them achieve greatness.

Project Goals & Impacts

The primary goals of the Regional Noyce conference are to (a) connect Noyce science and mathematics scholars, teacher fellows, and master teachers across the Southeastern states, (b) strengthen the network of support for Noyce projects and their participants, and (c) enhance the effectiveness of these groups as a collective. Specifically, the Southeastern region includes nine states with approximately 65 projects between them.

The 2016 conference served approximately 200 Noyce affiliates from 37 Noyce projects in the region. The 2017 Southeastern Regional Conference is scheduled for June 22-24, 2017.

Project Leadership

P.I. - Dr. André M. Green, College of Education and Professional Studies

Co-P.I. – Dr. Madhuri Mulekar, College of Arts and Sciences

Co-P.I. – Dr. Andrea Kent, College of Education and Professional Studies

Co-P.I. – Dr. Susan Martin, College of Education and Professional Studies

Co-P.I. – Dr. Ryon McDermott, College of Education and Professional Studies

Fund Source

National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education, Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program